ResQMe Review | Where We Keep Ours!

Accidents on the road are a terrifying thought no one wants to experience. I started sharing the best cars for families as a way to keep your loved ones safe on the road, but sometimes the new safety features or tech advancements are not enough.

Fortunately, there have been incredible innovations that provide emergency safety preparedness (and peace of mind) if an accident ever occurs. Today, I’m excited to share my complete ResQMe review and discuss all the details of what makes this little device so crucial for my family’s well-being every time we turn on the car.

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What Is A ResQMe?

For so many of us, the biggest fear in a car crash or accident is being stuck inside your vehicle waiting on emergency response for help. ResQMe is a small device that works as a two-in-one to tackle the most common concerns during an accident- seat belts and windows. Although these seem minor, impact has the potential to jam seatbelts or cause a need to break your window to find safety.

ResQMe Review: Car Safety For Moms

Originally designed for first responders, ResQMe is a safe to carry device that acts as a seat belt cutter and breaks tempered glass in an easy fashion. From the moment I heard about this device, I ordered one for both our cars and they’ve lived in our vehicles for years.

Why Should I Carry It In The Car?

As a mom of three who is constantly on the road, their safety is always at the top of my mind. It’s normal to feel nervous before stepping on a plane, but every drive behind the wheel is an even bigger risk.

ResQMe Window Breaker

Although cars nowadays are designed with top safety features, my biggest fear if an accident ever occurs is not being able to get to my kids quickly. ResQMe provides a lot of peace of mind knowing that if my seat belt ever jams, I could cut it quickly and jump in the back to check on them.

Thankfully we’ve never had to use the ResQMe, but beforehand I practiced clicking each of the features in place and cutting at a 45 degree angle on a piece of paper. It’s a really straight-forward process and the seat belt cutter works without hassle.

Where We Keep Ours!

Before putting the ResQMe in my car, I wanted to explain to my kids (in simple terms since they’re so young) the importance of car safety. It’s always been a priority to promote vehicle education as early as possible, so I wanted to describe how this device is not a toy, but a way for mom or dad to help them in an emergency. I highly recommend all parents do this!

Once I felt confident with my own understanding of ResQMe and my kids knowing its importance, I decided it’s home in the middle console would be the easiest access point. Although it comes with a keychain attachment, I felt like having it at arm's length would be a sufficient enough spot. I also considered the glove box, but a seat belt jam could hinder reaching over to it.

ResQMe Review: My Final Thoughts

Although it’s my worst nightmare to imagine an accident with my kids in the car, being prepared by having a ResQMe has given me a lot of peace of mind. I really like how small it is, while still being easy to use, as it seems more friendly to approach and use if need be.

Educating my kids on the importance of car safety through this small device was a really great step in their understanding of why we have seatbelts and windows. Most importantly, it helped them not fear an accident, but understand what I will do if something ever occurs.

ResQMe Car Safety Device

I’m hopeful our family (and any of you out there) will never be in a place where you have to use a ResQMe device. That being said, if safety has continued to weigh on your mind with your kids in the car, I cannot recommend buying this seat belt cutter and window breaker enough!

Do you have any car safety devices you swear by? Please let me know in the comments!